Screens Design Safeword is a reality TV game show created by MTV involving two celebrities who go head to head in challenging each other to push the boundaries of their friendship. For their first season premiere, we created 8 house looks and celebrity introductions to set the stage for the entire series on an incredibly […]
MonthApril 2018
Electronic Music Awards 2017
Projection Mapping | Graphics Package | Technology The Electronic Music Awards were held on September 1st, 2017 in Los Angeles and celebrated the top artists in the Electronic Music genre. We created a full graphics package for the show including lower thirds, logo bumpers and logo treatment. The graphics played on a digital glitch effect […]
Disney Parks Holiday Specials 2016
Screens Design On a quick two week turnaround, Digital Flodur worked with producers Sally Conner, Richard Godfrey, Ben Hall, and the Yellow Shoes team to create screens designs for 13 performances and two house looks in front of Cinderella’s Castle at the Magic Kingdom in the Walt Disney World Resort. The performances included looks for […]